13 January 2025:
4 February 2024: Darren sent a couple more beauty videos:
12 November 2023: Darren sends along a short interview
with Geddy Lee where he discusses the success of the Take Off single at 0:38. Thanks Darren!
27 June 2023: Will pointed me to a video of all three
Beer Canada ads. Thanks as always Will!
7 March 2023: Joe sent along a new ad campaign to stop a new beer tax
starring Bob & Doug! I wasn't sure if that was Rick, but apparently
it is! Beauty to see the hosers back together. Thanks Joe!
19 February 2023: Darren passed along a Facebook post by Lawrence
Gowan being a total knob. Thanks as always Darren!
7 July 2022: Darren sends along another beauty video of the hosers on New Music way back in December 1981! Very
cool to see how big they were in their heydey!
18 May 2022: Darren sends in this video of Bob &
Doug on Letterman back in '82! Thanks as always hoser!
22 March 2022: Frequent contributor Will found the entire Strange Brew score! I had no
idea this even existed. Thanks a ton Will!
6 December 2021: I came across these beauty Bob & Doug fridge magnets in
a local store, made by Vancouver-based artist Andrea Hooge. Beauty
stocking stuffers eh!
1 December 2021: Darren sent along some great stuff!
I also got a question from a different hoser named Darren a while back, who is trying to figure out what
model of
hockey mask is used in the movie. He writes:
I know from a forum board online dating back from 2010 that they say the helmet is a Cooper SK2000
(which are rarities and collectables now), but the mask I first thought was from , but there's one less hole by
the mouth area and in the film there are 3 on each side. One guess is that it's from a Mike Liut goalie mask
made from fiberglass to which they cut the top off from and metal hinges to the top of the mask to the Cooper
SK2000 helmet to where it can be lifted. That's my guess at least.
If anyone has any info they can provide, send me a message and I'll
pass it along!
26 August 2020: Here's a great article
with some details on how the Great White North album got greenlit; thanks to frequent contributor Darren for
29 March 2020: Will sent along a collection of newspaper
ads for Strange Brew; really cool to see what else was released at the same time. Credit to RossMan for
Also, would you believe Edmonton now has Bob
& Doug statues?
That town just got a whole lot more beauty in my book eh! Thanks to Will and Joe for sending that news along. Stay
healthy hosers!
19 November 2019: A friend from the past showed up in my inbox today, and sent along an HBO commercial for Strange Brew! Thanks a ton Will! New Bob & Doug material is
hard to come by these days!
6 September 2018: Good ol' KoHoSo sent along this tweet where you can win a
one-of-a-kind set of Bob & Doug figurines! Beauty eh!
24 September 2017: Our hoser friend Darren sends me
more links than I can keep up with eh! He sent
(and a video
too) about
there are packs of backbacon on Christmas! He also sent along an article
about the reunion written by Ian
Thomas. Darren and Will also sent a link to a video
of the reunion on Daniel Reynish's Facebook page. Finally,
Darren also sent in a photo of Geddy Lee with his wife and son at
the recording of "Take Off" -- check it out on the pics page. Thanks as always Darren
01 June 2017: Big news today eh! Rick and Dave are reuniting
for a one-night
on July 18 in Toronto to benefit Jake Thomas! Hosers from SCTV, The
Kids in the Hall, and others will be joining as well. VIP tickets go
on sale June 5, and the rest on June 12 at (or call
416-343-0011). Beauty find Will and KoHoSo!
05 May 2017: Ian Thomas' son Jake was in an
in January
that left him paraplegic. An auction
has been set up to raise money for Jake and his family. There are a
few Bob & Doug related items, most notably the clothes
that Rick and Dave wore on the Two-Four anniversary special! There
are also some unique Rush items available. Much thanks to our good
friend Darren for passing this along.
22 April 2017: Frequent contributor Darren passed along
a 2004 interview
with Rick Moranis; see page
4 for the Bob and Doug-specific part. He also pointed me to an
interview with
Ian Thomas where he briefly mentions his time with Bob &
Doug. Thanks Darren!
04 December 2016: I posted the rest of the Night Flight
interview, and
also Bob & Doug at the 1982 Juno
awards, courtesy of our good friends Will and Darren,
respectively. Thanks hosers! I also ran across Amanda
Moranis' YouTube page, which has some beauty tributes to
Rick's movies, including a recent Bob & Doug impression!
27 October 2016: I've got a pile of updates I've been
sitting on; sorry for the delay! I'm such a knob. Time for a beauty
bullet list!
- a 12 Days of Christmas/Take Off 7-inch
vinyl will be available next month from Thanks Darren and Will for passing this
- Darren also sent in an interview with Pegi
Cecconi, who had a hand in getting Great White North
- our old friend KoHoSo sent us an amazing article on the locations
used in Strange Brew. If I ever make it to Toronto, I'm
giving myself the tour eh!
12 April 2016: Will got ahold of a rare interview with Bob
Doug from Night Flight way back in 1982, eh! Great find Will! Also,
Matt sent along a couple beauty pictures
from the Strange Brew Blu-ray, including a beauty wallpaper. Thanks
5 March 2016: Will sent along news that Strange Brew is
finally out on Blu-ray! Darren has also sent along some interesting
stuff. Library
and Archives Canada has some beauty photos of the hosers that
I've never seen before. An album called "ICON: Best of Canada - The
1980's" includes Take Off as the final track. The album is available
on iTunes
and Google
Play, but Take Off is not available as a digital download,
making it an aptly named track! Very strange, since it is available
to download as part of The Great White North. He also pointed me to
a Rolling
Stone article on the hosers from back in 1982. Thanks a lot
Will and Darren!
24 July 2015: Wow, it's been a while since we've had
an update! Frequent contributor Darren sent me several things a very
long time ago, but I'm a knob and they got buried. First off, he
pointed out that there are plenty of Bob
& Doug newspaper articles to be found in the Google
archives. Also, he sent along a rare photo of Geddy Lee in the
studio with Bob & Doug that I've never seen elsewhere; take a
look on the pics page. Finally, he
sent along an interview
with Ian Thomas, and a clip of
the part where he talks about his involvement during his brother
Dave's time as Doug McKenzie. Thanks for the great stuff Darren, and
sorry for dropping the ball on getting it posted!
7 April 2014: Phillips Brewery in Victoria, BC has
started selling Elsinore
14 March 2014: For any hosers in the Vancouver area,
Cascade on Main is showing Strange Brew on March 24th at
9:30pm! There will be a costume contest too. I plan to
swing by, so if you're coming, drop me an email and we can meet up
there eh!
13 November 2013: The site is back to normal, eh!
Sorry about that.
11 November 2013: You may have noticed the site was down for a
couple days, and now redirects to a shady-looking IP address.
Not to worry, my web site provider is just working through a little
issue. The site is back to normal except for the URL, and that
will be fixed before long. Good day!
28 October 2013: Darren sent along a Canada Dry ad featuring
The Great White North; check it out on the pics page. Thanks to Eric at Rush Power Windows for cleaning
it up! The photo is from the new book RUSH:
The Illustrated History by Martin Popoff.
29 September 2013: Stefane sent me photos of a special edition
of The Daily Hoser he got on the opening night of Strange
Brew. Take a look on the pics
page. Thanks Stefane!
19 June 2013: KoHoSo sends us news of a Nerdist
podcast with Rick Moranis. Beauty find hoser!
3 April 2013: I rescanned the first
two Bob & Doug photos I ever
posted on this site way back in 1997. Enjoy them in their
high-res glory eh!
14 February 2013: The folks at The Second City Network are
posting old
SCTV sketches weekly; maybe we'll see some Bob & Doug up
there soon.
19 January 2013: Greg sent
in a beauty pic of a real bottle of Elsinore beer! This is
probably the best piece of memorabilia I've ever seen. Take a
look on the pics page. Thanks
16 October 2012: I added a couple photos to the pics page of a tacky, weird VW van I
by here in Vancouver a couple weeks ago.
16 August 2012: Will sent
along a great interview
with Dave Thomas from back in 2000. Thanks again
Will! I also put up a few shots of the couple Red Cap stubby
bottles that I got ahold of thanks to my friend Chris who happened
to be out east when they were available; you can find them on the pics page.
15 March 2012: I ran across
a video of Bob & Doug doing a review of Strange Brew on PBS and
posted it to the movies page. I
don't remember where I got this. Enjoy it eh!
18 January 2012: Will sends
us news of an opinion
Moranis over at the WSJ today, eh. Also, Alex pointed me
to some beauty videos of his Bob McKenzie impression (long
and short
versions) and an old clip of Rick on
Nickelodeon talking about Bob & Doug. Thanks a ton
guys! I'm moving in a week or two, so the site will be down
for at least a few hours, but I'm sure both of the hosers that
actually visit this site will understand, eh!
5 July 2011: A fan pointed me to Andres
Alvarez's work -- he apparently worked on the Bob & Doug
animated series and posted his turnarounds of Bob & Doug.
Beauty! Jack also contributed stencil art of the hosers, which
you can find at the bottom of the pics
page. Thanks a lot Jack!
7 January 2011: Happy New
Year to all hosers! A fan writes in with this query: "I've
always wondered about the lightning bolt and outhouse featured on
the Strange Brew poster. Can you shed any light on their
origins?" Email me with any info you have, and all theories
are welcome too!
24 November 2010: I finally
got around to scanning in The Daily Hoser, the sleeve for the Great
White North LP, which contains the script for "You Are Our
Guest." You can find it at the bottom of the pictures page. To all you hosers
south, happy Thanksgiving eh!
2 November 2010: A Bob and
Doug fan sent in a beauty photo of her little kids in hoser costumes
-- take a look at the bottom of the pictures
page! Thanks Tai!
9 October 2010: Dwight over
at SCTVGuide sent me some great
scans of the Strange Brew soundtrack album, Strange Brew single, and
Daily Hoser insert that came with the soundtrack LP. Take a
look at the bottom of the pics page!
Thanks a ton Dwight!
28 January 2010: A fan
emailed me a while back asking what was the exact date that The
Great White North was released in the US. If anyone knows the
answer, drop me a line!
20 January 2010: Good day, and welcome to my new web site,
eh! After years of embarrassment over my aging site, I decided
to start from scratch and fix some things. The site is now
using the latest in '90s technology. The movie clips have all
been re-ripped from the DVD, so they're much better quality than the
old laserdisc abominations I used to have up. There are bound
to be a few kinks here and there with all the changes, so be sure to
email me if you find anything broken or unintuitive, if you have any
comments (positive or negative, as long as they're constructive), or
if you just miss the old site and wanna call me a knob. If
you've made it this far, I'm sure you can figure out how to email me
from the front page. I hope you enjoy the site eh!
©2010 - 2020 Erik Niklas